Archive for the ‘Shopping’ Category

Pier Food Mart

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Low prices on 4-wheel family bikes. We offer hundreds of convenience items, such as candy, soda, chips, cigarettes, film, batteries, disposable cameras, suntan lotions, sunglasses, beer wine and a full line of groceries. We also offer beach rentals: boogie boards, chairs, umbrellas, baby strollers, bikes, and much more.

Pier Food Mart is located at:
14th Street & Boardwalk • 757.428.8111

Pier Food Mart

$28.99 HOUR

Small family bike • 2nd hour free

With this coupon. Not valid July 2 – July 5, on holidays or holiday weekends. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Expires 5/31/22

Pier Food Mart

$33.99 HOUR

Large family bike • 2nd hour free

With this coupon. Not valid July 2 – July 5, on holidays or holiday weekends. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Expires 5/31/22

Atlantic Food Mart

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We offer candy, soda, chips, cigarettes, film, batteries, disposable cameras, healthcare, suntan lotions, sunglasses, beer wine and a full line of groceries. We also offer beach rentals: bikes, chairs, umbrellas, boogie boards, baby strollers and much more. The lowest price on 4-wheel family bikes.

Atlantic Food Mart is located at:
16th Street & Atlantic Avenue • 757-227-4558

Atlantic Food Mart

$28.99 HOUR

Small family bike • 2nd hour free

With this coupon. Not valid July 2 – July 5, on holidays or holiday weekends. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Expires 5/31/22

Atlantic Food Mart

$33.99 HOUR

Large family bike • 2nd hour free

With this coupon. Not valid July 2 – July 5, on holidays or holiday weekends. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Expires 5/31/22