Flipper McCoy’s Family Entertainment Center is located at:
2212 Atlantic Avenue, VA Beach • 757.502.8810

Ironically enough, couples find a little friendly competition at the shooting gallery may lead to much-appreciated consolation prizes.
Though recently updated, its Flipper McCoy’s collection of classic games that keeps it relevant, yet reminiscent of the days of old. Games like Galaga and Asteroids, Super Mario Bro’s, Frogger and Centipede take Baby-Boomer players back to the ‘80s and ‘90s.
“Really enjoyed this place brought back good childhood memories!!!!” Google Review
Hours of moving to the grooves of The DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) games conjures up scenes of Flash Dance or Beat Boy jams. Here’s where ‘Old School’ and ‘New School’ compete against a backdrop of concentration and amusement.
While the classic games are all the rage at Flipper McCoy’s Family Entertainment Center, new high-tech games challenge the minds of today’s gamers. Spend an afternoon defending the universe against Space Invaders and Aliens or take the gigantic expedition of traveling through Jurassic Park.
Whether you prefer to play for tickets and grab some fun prizes from the well-stocked prize counter or you just want to compete with your friends and family in games of skill, speed and blowing stuff up, Flipper McCoys is the place to do it.